[Review] Engraving Art Kits Worth it or not

by - มีนาคม 01, 2561

A few weeks ago, I felt much stress and wanna do something that I rarely do. So, I searched and found an interesting art kit. It's called engraving art kits. In the store, there were 4-5 pictures for selections. They all world-famous places and I picked one kit.

One kit contains 2 pictures, a tool (scrape cutter), and a test card for practice.

Honestly, I'm completely not good at arts. Actually, bad. But this is not too hard and enjoyable.

Even though too hard and the outcome does not look too bad, it made me dirty and messy. The foils are everywhere, very hard to clean the floor and my body as well. The normal soap doesn't work but the bath gel or creamy bath soap can clean most of these foils away.

That's why I'd decided to stop and not continue this. Also, I think I'm not recommended this kind of things for those little kids. The foils and all the mess might be dangerous and the cutter should be avoided.

It helps calm my mind down but the mess after that is not worth it for me. 

Goodbye engraving arts. End of the story.

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